munichmangler Member


  • Salams, Just found this link by Sisters Magazine: You can download a list of Ramadan recipes. I haven't had a look at it yet so I don't know how healthy these recepies are but I thought you might be interested.
  • Asalamu aleikum This year will be my first Ramadan on MFP. In the past 5 Ramadans I just ate what I fancied and I didn't exercise as I work full time and job is pretty active. With Ramadan only about 18 days away I wonder how I will get on this year. I have just reached my target weight, so I have a couple of weeks to…
  • That kulfi recipe sounds delish. However, it is rather high in calories due to the fat and sugar content. It works out at 3529 cals if made with whole milk and double cream, and 2700 cals if made with semi-skimmed milk and single cream. Ouch...
  • What ? OMG is that all in ONE breakfast?? That's 540 cals for the oats, 192 cals for the milk, 210 to 240 cals for the eggs (depending on their size), and 233 cals for the cream! That's a whopping 1175 to 1205 cals just for brekkie!!! If I had that, I'd have between 135 and 165 cals left for the rest of the day... :noway:…
  • Wow! What an inspirational jourey you're on! You hit the nail right on the head with everything you said. The transformation you've gone through inside and out is absolutely awesome and you look and sound gorgeous. Congrats on your super success so far. Surely, you don't have far to go now and I wish you every success on…
  • I think it's great that you are trying to get back into eating breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Your body runs on empty in the morning as your dinner has been digested. So your blood sugar levels will be low too and that leads to snacking on the "quick fix" foods (choc, biscuits, high-sugar/high-fat…
  • Asalamu aleikum warachmur Allah wa barakatu. My name is Silva / Rashida. I'm 51 and live in the UK with my 2 cats and 3 chickens. I reverted to Islam in June 2007 Alhamdullilah! Everyone was very supportive around me, apart from my oldest friends who took quite a long time to come around to the idea that I pray 5x a day…
  • Sounds like your muscles are not used to this kind of continuous endurance exercise which means the pain would be due to the build-up of lactic acid in the muscle fibres. A good way of dealing with that are long-held stretches immediately after exercising (or in the breaks between bouts of intense exercise). Make sure to…
  • This sounds like a very sensible solution. Since you are doing the horsey stuff regularly and for the foreseeable future, incorporating those cals into your daily allowances by upping your activity level instead of logging them on the days you burn them will be a great way of giving you a chance to eat them back. This will…
  • Osteopath and Naturopath... and I love it with a passion!