

  • You are totally right on your view points. Everybody is different. I got out at my 10 yr mark with the same attitude you guys have right now. 2 yrs later I kicked myself in the rear because I didn't know I had it so good in some areas. So I re-joined into the reserves and guard which only means Parttime military. We still…
  • I read the two blogs outloud that were posted to my wife Kim and she started to cry. I as a military man...I say that keeps a military man alive is his wife and family. Even if he don't want to be in the military, support from home keeps a military person strong. I have found out in my 20+ yrs that makes a man want to…
  • What is a Military Wife? - For those who don't understand all we have to go through!! Current mood: determined Category: Life What is a Military Wife? They may look different and each is wonderfully unique But this they have in common:lots of moving--- moving far from home,moving two cars, three kids and one dog----all…
  • THX for the info....glad to know these things.
  • I have noticed one thing on here when adding meals and cal count. The item on the real label shows serving size and cals per serving. When using this site and doing the same thing for the same brand and serving size this site shows a higher cal count. So that really throws off my cals per serving and total per day. Other…