

  • hi kath ... i too turned 40 in august which was one of the reasons i wanted to stop ... do u live in the uk because if u do u can get help with the 'live well' service (ask at your doctors). Its a 12 week programme which really helped me , i used the inhalator which u use to drag on to get ur nicotine fix ... but I know…
    in Hello Comment by wjs0808 November 2012
  • hi i am wendy i had been smoking for 25 years apart from once i managed to give up for 2 years then stupidly had one cigarette and started straight back on them . But in August this year i decided to give up again and have now not had a cigarette for 91 days :smile: i have also saved £160 so far ..the only downside is that…
    in Hello Comment by wjs0808 November 2012