cubba213 Member


  • I am doing Prednisone now and diabetic... I do my cardio in the pool at the parks and recreation. I have diabetes, Severe COPD, CHF, kidney disease, sleep apnea. in the water you burn more and you don't feel it. now summers coming around we will go to the lake too, I have to wear a mask in public, I can stand 10 minutes,…
  • Sabrina Princess Lanina named by my daughter when she was 9. She is a Rat Terrier and had a stroller & wardrobe, although now Jess is 15, I am the one who dresses her
  • I am a Fitbit wearer, I do not use the wristband to sleep, I clip in on my nightie. I use the wrist band when I am going to swim so I do not forget to take it off...
  • Also Avia walking shoes was what he told me ot wear, they are the best for heal problems, J.C. Penny's usually has them on sale
  • I have had horrible heal spurs, the Dr told me to roll my foot on a golf ball and to sit on the floor with my feet flat against the wall and lean forward, to do this 3 times a day. My spur went away without surgery and I still use the golf ball and stretch my toes up. Spurs are calcium and they will reabsorb back into you…
  • Keep it up Jason, we are all in the same boat here, we just have to help each other keep the boat afloat :):):)
  • Me too and I buy no butter popcorn and add 4 tablespoons, why???
  • This journey is a mental battle for all of us... I am right there in your shoes, 55 years old, it is exhausting and it seams up hill. I thought Wow I have done so well the past few weeks, yet when I pass a mirror and step on the scale I have gone nowhere fast... My Dad told me he does not want me to die first, he has been…
  • There is a Biggest Loser contestant in our mist... She introduced me to MFP. They are given a amount of calories to burn every day and have to get their burn in. They do cook their own food, but the pantries are stocked. The trainers are not there with the all the time, Bob only when they are filming, but there are…