

  • I mix with hot coffee and it's wonderful
  • Body by's awesome and i've lost 31 lbs in 90 days using it !!1:happy:
  • Denise...I know how you feel. I have battled with weight my entire life...a chubby little girl...a plump teenager, lost and gained weight all of my child bearing years and now a very hefty grandmother. In Jan I had the big scare...thought I was having a heart wasn't but thru all the test and meds found out I…
  • Hi...just started this week too and i wish i only had 20 lbs to lose...more like 100 lbs but so far, so good. I think it's really great that I can just key in what I eat and the webpage gives me all i need to keep up with what I'm doing. I know it's gonna take a long time but I didn't put it on over nite and I'm sure not…