wilmawm Member


  • Mo--22 Binge--0 I had a really good binge-free Thanksgiving for which I am thankful!
  • I've stayed under my calorie limit and I'm quite pleased about it. I ran/walked 3.5 miles, ate a relatively light breakfast around 9am, prepped my contribution to the dinner (roasted Brussels sprouts and grapes), drove to my nephew's house. I stayed away from the snack table - luckily there were no food pushers there - and…
  • Mo--21 Binge--0 I'm feeling great sfter my last chemo; I went for a 3.5 mile walk/run this morning. I'm going to celebrate Thanksgiving with my nephew and family - Binge Monster is NOT invited. I'm sticking to my plan - no seconds and only foods that have some nutritional worth.
  • I'm 56 - a little outside the range - but I'm young at heart. :). Feel free to add me!
  • I've been slack about posting in this thread, but I haven't been slack about the exercise. I haven't missed a day yet - I'm particularly happy about today. I walked 2 brisk miles this morning then went for my (last!) chemo treatment. I plan to walk some more later. The consistent exercise has really, really helped me in my…
  • Mo--20 The Binge--0 I made it through Greek Restaurant night and even brought leftovers home which are now in my freezer. Even better, I made it through pre-Chemo week without binging; that's a first! I am SO happy to say that today I go for my last chemo treatment. I'll get a break and then start radiation therapy in…
  • Me--19 Binge--0 kelbelzz, your 80 days are inspirational! I'm aiming for that to get through the holidays binge-free. Tonight I'm going out to eat at a Greek Restaurant. Yum! I actually think I'll be fine at the restaurant; the challenge will be when I get home and want to eat more after indulging in a larger than normal…
  • Hi G-maw, I'm a 56 year-old shorty and I started pretty much where you are. I've lost 78 pounds and am working on the last 2 to hit my goal. I'm living proof it can be done! I've changed the way I eat and I now exercise regularly - mostly walking. I love the support i get from my MFP friends; I'm going to send you an…
  • I'm 5'2" and closing in on my goal weight of 124. Here's a website thwt lets you search for pictures of ordinary women at various heights/weights/body types: www.mybodygallery.com
  • Congratulations!! :)
  • Me--17 The Dastardly Binge--0 I feel good about having kept the Binge locked up so far this month, but I sure spend an excessive amount of time thinking about food when I'm not eating it! I even dreamed about food last night. :embarassed:
  • Congrats, greekygirl, on limiting your small binge on Friday and not letting it carry over into Saturday - I see that as a huge accomplishment! And I agree with you, the support here is awesome. :love:
  • I'm still on track with this - yesterday I jogged and walked about 4 miles; today I worked out on the eliptical machine for 30 minutes, walked 3+ miles, and did some strength training. I'm enjoying this challenge. :)
  • Welcome back! I joined last February and its taken me most of the time since to learn to log consistently. I am finding it really helpful to keep up with it. I'm going to send you a friend invite. Best of luck to you with your 90 day challenge! :)
  • It's a great time to start! Why wait? Yesterday is history, tomorrow isn't here yet. Make today count. :)
  • It's so helpful hearing how others define abstinence! My definition is no seconds (which precludes binging) and only eat foods that have some redeeming nutritional value. I was abstinent for 9 months (May 2011 through Jan 2012) but have been struggling with it off and on since. On the plus side, thanks to OA, my binges…
  • I'm almost at goal but I plan to stick around for the long-term; no more yo-yo-ing for me! Feel free to add me; that goes for anyone posting in this thread. :)
  • Me--16 Binge--0 I made it through the day yesterday binge-free in spite of being unable to accurately count my steps OR calories; yay! The Binge tried to get in - there was an open bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in the kitchen at work; my friend wanted to share her dessert at dinner; there were all sorts of foods…
  • I'm 5'2" and have 2.5 pounds to go. Losing 1 pound feels like losing 10 pounds did when I was at the other end of the scale. My goal is 124 - I'm looking forward to hitting that number for the first time in a few decades!
  • Me--15 BingeMonster--0 I lost my fitbit pedometer on my walk/run this morning. This is a potential binge-inducer for me. I've gotten just about as obsessed counting my steps as counting my calories. Plus, I'm going out to dinner tonight. BingeMonster, I'm not going to let you get inside my head! I can walk and exercise…
  • I jogged and walked a few miles yesterday; not as far as I wanted to but I did exceed my 10K steps daily goal. So far today I've done some elliptical and treadmill work; had to avoid the rain this morning! I'm at work and plan to take a break and walk a mile. If I can manage not to forget, I plan to do some strength…
  • Me--14 Binge--0 Almost halfway through the month!
  • I made it through another day; yesterday was my 8th day in a row meeting my definition of working out (at least 10K steps on my fitbit). Yesterday I made it to 20K - I walked several times, pushed myself with a treadmill workout, and did some strength training.
  • Me--13 Binge--0 Binge, you're a LOSER!
  • I'm a food lover and have struggled my whole life with weight issues. I've lost 75+ pounds over the last year and a half and have just a couple more to go to get to goal. (Yay!) I've managed to lose the weight eating a good variety of foods. I'm HOPING I've finally stopped the yo-yoing! I love the encouragement and support…
  • Me--12 Binge--0 You're not welcome here, Binge!!
  • So far so good - well over 10k daily steps on the pedometer since I joined the challenge. Sunday's steps included about 30 minutes of elliptical, yesterday's included some jogging. I've walked over 2 miles so far today and will do more this evening - either walking or elliptical work. I'm also trying to be more consistent…
  • Me--11 Binge--0 I made it through the weekend! Today and this week will be a challenge for 2 reasons: 1) This morning I weighed 1 1/2 pounds more for no good reason; I have been eating and exercising according to plan. I was 3 lbs away from goal; now it's 4 1/2 pounds. Grrrr. This is the sort of thing that can set me off.…
  • Me--10 Binge--0 This sounds like me, except it would be a couple of years rather than days to get back on track. I've done much better with it since accepting that it's an addiction for me; I'm always going to have to deal with this; my urge to binge is not going to magically stop when I hit my goal weight.
  • I'm joining in! Great idea for a challenge -- I have 3 lbs to go to hit my goal weight; hopefully this will help me get there. My personal definition of working out every day is getting in at least 10K steps on my fitbit. Some days those 10K of steps are more intense than others. I'm about halfway there today -- I went for…