

  • My husband is always on a diet whenever I am as I make him the same low fat healthy food as I am having and he never even notices!! But then he does eat sweets and chocs all the time...annoyingly he is very fit due to playing football and never seems to put is so unfair!!
  • Is that the right web address? I can't find it and it sounds brilliant!
  • I've been offered seats on the tube twice before.....the first time I said I'm not pregnant and the lady said well whats in there then and I said a big lunch..that shut her up! To the second I said well I am never wearing this top again! I don't know, I know its very different to your colleagues all talking about you, but…
  • I just read this thread and was thinking omg! I never have any calories left! Then I finshed putting in my exercise for the day (having been really bad lately and not having been to the gym for ages) and have 300 calories left! Am delighted, and this is sure going to be good motivation to get to the gym more regularly!!…
  • PS We have a VERY messy house!!
  • I guess I just have to try and make it a priority, and put myself first more often. I think as a woman its easy to end up putting everyone elses needs before your own! Thanks for your support! :happy:
  • I guess if its a genuine question there is no such thing as a stupid question? (If they are trolls, they are quite nice ones compared to ones I've encountered on the net before!). But if you have been using this site for a long time you might get a bit sick of hearing the same ones over and over again, and so a FAQ page…
  • That sounds like a realy hard core work out! Well done! Make sure you pamper yourself after that!
  • Ohmygod! You are making me feel so awful. I aim to go the gym 4 times a week, but at the moment I only seem to be able to make it once a week and thats to a yoga class which although beneficial is hardly going to burn loads of calories! I just find it so hard to juggle work and looking after my children, dropping them off…
  • It must be hard to have such a full day and be tring to change your eating habits but one thing I do when I am really busy is make a slightly larger dinner and divide my portion in half and take half to work the next day or I put the other half in the freezer for another day. This really only works if you have a microwave…
  • Well done, thats brilliant! I have this really weird thing when people often ask if I've lost weight when I haven't? I'm sure its meant nicely but I always take it to mean that I must have looked really fat last time they saw me.....My father in law ALWAYS asks....I can't wait till next time he asks and I can say "Why yes,…
  • Hey ICANDOIT! You are normally so postive, don't beat yourself up, alchohol is a dangerous thing, I know all about that! I'm sure we all do. I know exactly how you feel, self discipline around food goes straight out the window after a few drinks, thats why I try to stick to one glass as a treat...but that normally turns…
  • I've been naughty AGAIN today! Just couldn't stop myself from picking, but although obviously my tally was over, it wasn't as bad as I thought and I'm not going to beat myself about it and you certainly shouldn't, its not your birthday everyday afterall! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  • And PS I just love "this does not taste as good as being skinny" that is SUCH a good mantra!!!!!!!
  • Yes! You are so right! I know, tomorrow is another day, gonna go to the gym and really work hard. I just get so frustrated with myself because my tendancy has always been that I set out with good intentions on a new diet, fall off the wagon and then I've always just thought that I've blown it and then carried on being a…
  • Had a bad day today...picked at my girls left over Chips (fries) in the cafe at lunch time, picked at their left over pasta and meatballs at tea time before I managed to throw it in the bin and ate a piece of left over chocolate torte (basically chocolate goo). I've eaten really healthy meals the rest of the day....but I…
  • I only joined a few days ago, but already I have lost 2 pounds. Its really made me realise that some of the things I thought were good to eat on a diet, are actually full of calories. Its just made me more realistic about everything I eat and I have so far managed to avoid my danger nibble times (such as finishing off…
  • Hi! Good luck!
  • Really glad I am British and don't have thanksgiving to worry about diet wise! Christmas is bad enough!
  • My little girls both had a tiny bit of cellulite on their bums from a very early age and they were not plump especially (both premature, so titchy!) And i figured that if something so young and pure (no toxins/bad eating habits smoking/drinking etc clearly!) had it that it was just something we could do nothing about…
  • London, England....I didn't realise I was the only one not from the USA!
  • Thanks Pam, I just responded to your introduction message before realising that you had replied to mine (if that makes sense!). It just so encouraging and motivating to be able to share with other people what you are feeling isn't it. I think we're both going to succeed this time!
  • Hi Pam, I only joined today too, am feeling a lot more positive for having done it and have had a good day calorie wise......Good Luck!!
  • I agree with tdroseler, in my head I am so much thinner and better looking in my head than I am in reality, I always get a shock when I see myself in a mirror or in photos. It would be nice if I get my inner and outer view of myself could be closer to each other! I am greedy and I love food and I have no self control and…
  • Good question! I would have thought that the only one that would really matter when it comes to weight loss is the fat? Maybe if you could get it all perfect that would mean you were eating a perfectly balanced diet...but I would have thought you should worry about the calories and fat the most.
  • Just found this site today and am freaked out by how calorific my "healthy" salad had that I had for lunch! I managed to lose all my post baby weight in order to fit into my wedding dress two years ago, but since then I have been creeping slowly up and up......pre and post pregnancy aside I have never weighed this much…
  • I try just to stick to a squeeze of lemon or a splash of balsamic vinegar.......not very exciting but definitely fat free!
  • I pick at whatever my kids don't eat as well as eating my own meals and picking from the fridge when I get in from work. Also my husband has a sweet tooth and always buys cakes and chocolate, not to mention yummy cheese and dips when he does the food shopping....