LeeP135 Member


  • Hi everyone, I just wanted to thank you all for your suggestions, article postings, and encouragement. You are totally right. I just did my weigh-in for the week, and I have lost 2 lbs. I think that earlier in the week it was probably a sodium thing, but also, I have been trying harder to stay closer to the 1300 calorie…
  • I've been working out the same amount (weights 2-3 times a week, cardio 3 times a week) but 3 weeks ago I changed my weight routine, and started using heavier weights, and have been more sore, so maybe, like you all said, I am retaining more water as a result and gaining muscle? I have had 3 glasses so far this morning,…
  • Mowu - okay thanks. I think I'm going to try to get the water in earlier in the day - I think too often I cram them in later, and then I have to pee more. I've been eating more fresh produce, which also seems to make me need to pee more. traveller, yes, my sodium has been a little (not a lot) high, so I'm going to work on…
  • Thanks guys. I'll keep going. Babybird - I just checked my diary, and yes, my sodium was over about 100 on all of the days, and yesterday it was over by 600, so I will focus on that in the next few days. I also have only been having about 6 glasses of water a day (though this still makes me pee all the time!) and I will…