

  • send a request and we can work on handling our sweets cravings together!
  • Honestly, it's not just about the workout. When I was in highschool, I was a competitive swimmer and my workouts were six days a week/two and a half hours a day and I was still a little heavy. I wasn't pairing my workouts with a healthy diet and it totally showed! Once I realized that I needed to change up my lifestyle and…
  • Girl, I feel ya. I have a HUGE sweet-tooth and I am being tempted left and right with delicious sweets. Hot chocolate, cupcakes, and donuts, OH MY! Something that I am trying to do is control what I can control. Basically, whatever meal that I have complete control of (breakfast, lunches, and packed snacks), I make really…
  • Don't give up coffee! I know that I couldn't...Try switching up your milk to Almond Milk or even cutting back to Skim Milk! If you get the Almond Milk that has a little flavor, you could even skip adding sugar
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