

  • that is my problem too. I did start eating greek yogurt for breakfast. Lots of protein in there. I have even started having water with protien powder in the afternoon to reach my proteins for the day. I would love some more ideas too! Good luck!!!
  • Oh ladies, I need you all!! I have a 4 1/2 yo daughter and a 19 month old son. I also am a middle school teacher. I gained 50 pounds with my son and CAN NOT seem to loose it! It is stressing me out! I feel so awful all the time! Please, I will modivate you all if you all modivate me too! WE CAN DO THIS with eachother's…
  • Hey! I've got 50 pounds to loose and I just can not seem to get going! I wanna join the super support group too!! We CAN do this!!!!!!!!! Good luck to us all!!!!