

  • yes I have read that. My mother-in-law showed me it. But like I said. I am actually happy right now with the outcome. I lost a size and that is a big accomplishment for me. I see muscle forming in my legs and arms again my shorts are lose on me now and my face has slimmed down some too. My family is helping me with my…
  • As for going to get professional help that is a definite no go. No funds. Its bad enough that my husband works two jobs and we JUST make our house payment and bills, I cant even get my medication for my depression and anxiety attacks. As for weight lifting I will do that at some point. Im taking it one step at a time as of…
  • I have been working out. I swim laps just about every day and its really paying off. I noticed that I haven't been dropping the lbs like I want but I am most definitely losing inches and toning up. I am down one size in my chest and my shorts are getting lose on me. Also my arms are much smaller and I have muscle again! So…
  • =^_^= I will do my full 1600.
  • okay. I will push myself to finish the last 200 cal that I need to meet my daily goal. Thanks for all your help guys. Wish me luck =^_^=
  • >.< I cant eat a lot. I get to nervous when it gets close to where my goal is for the day, and I panic and stop eating. I usually eat more than what I did today but I was feeling under the weather today. I appreciate everyone's advice. I will talk to my friend Suheil about doing strength training, he is the one who is…
  • I will have to just be okay with everything I guess
  • I am 30 I wont say my weight, my goal weight is 180 my goal is 5 lbs a month my activity level is high. I am always on the go. I am unemployed, so I am always walking my dog, doing yard work, as for exercises I swim. I do about 60 laps a day and not just slow I go all out competition swimming. I use to be on the swim team…
  • Thanks. Sadly right after I posted my computer got a virus in it and I had to send it out to get fixed. Its back and now I am up and running again. Horray!