gsimrall Member


  • I've done Keto diets, and they're okay, but my body tends to react better to the DASH diet. Because I'm eating raw vegetables, lean meats and eliminating sugar (and breads), it is fairly low carb. However, with the DASH diet you measure and weigh everything. If it tells me 3 oz. of baby carrots, that's what I eat. It's…
  • First, and foremost, stop beating yourself up. You had a baby, and your hormones are, most likely, a bit off balance as they try to return to pre-pregnancy levels. Secondly, I understand your frustration. Though I did not have a baby, I put on a great deal of weight due to perimenopause. It was awful, it seemed that no…
  • Hi, ember. You didn't mention your age, but I can tell you what happened to me, and suggest something you might try. Up until my early 40's, I was always at a healthy weight, never had much of an issue. But once I hit about 44, my hormones, started to revolt. No matter what I did, eliminating sugar,…