

  • Hello! I can't tell you what you are doing wrong because it looks to me you are doing everything right? I was wondering how you quit smoking? I am in my 2nd week of taking Chantix and I am still smoking? I went from 1 pack a day to 4 or 5 cigs a day (which is a big deal for me), but I am sleepy and always craving carbs? I…
  • Thank You!
    in Hi! Comment by Lisa_55060 March 2009
  • Hello, Thank You!
    in Hi! Comment by Lisa_55060 March 2009
  • Thank You!
    in Hi! Comment by Lisa_55060 March 2009
  • Hello, I am new to this myfitnesspal and I hope it will help me with my weight loss goals. I am curently trying to quit smoking and I have worked very hard at losing the weight I have already lost. My point of this is I am scared I will gain weight. Any one else dealing with this or has went through this? Thank you all for…
    in Hi! Comment by Lisa_55060 March 2009
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