kristilovescake Member


  • This is great... and pretty timely for me. I'm pregnant and already started my pregnancy up about 15 pounds from my average weight (about 30 pounds overweight), have packed on another 27 pounds already (I'm short so it's very noticeable!) and all I want to do is avoid the camera instead of getting the occasional "look how…
  • Hi! I'm not a mom yet... but I'm currently about 25 weeks pregnant (due in April). I'm not currently trying to lose (but will be after this baby comes!), but I'm completely overhauling my diet to get rid of those pesky empty carbs and convenience foods and working on walking during my lunch breaks as my exercise and seeing…
  • Hi - I'm new to the group! Due April 15th-ish here :) First time pregnant and we're expecting a boy! I've already gained too much weight, so I'm back to MFP for logging to keep my diet and exercise in check for the rest of the pregnancy.
  • hi :) I sent you a friend request! I'm trying to avoid gestational diabetes as well, and makes me worry a little since I've gained so much weight already, but I'll be having my screening in a couple weeks so I want to make sure I get back on track with my diet and exercise before then.
  • Sent you both requests - thank you :) I was worried nobody wants to add the pregnant lady since I'm working on maintaining/slow gaining rather than losing.
  • Hi Kat and welcome! I think the really important thing to remember is that this isn't a sprint, it's more like a long marathon, and losing weight fast shouldn't be the goal, you should try to focus on making healthy changes and then losing weight by making permanent changes you can stick with. The main reason I say this is…
  • Hi! I'm 28 and although I'm currently pregnant, I'm focusing on not gaining tons more (gained 27 lbs so far and I'm only 25 weeks) so I'm eating healthy, exercising, and tracking (really just re-starting today) and in April I'll be switching back to losing and I'll have at least a good 60-70 pounds to lose (30 pounds +…
  • Apparently people are afraid of the pregnant lady :/ I promise you can't catch the pregnant from me!
  • I hear ya on having people derail you. It's way too easy to give into peer pressure which makes it tougher to stick to it. The best thing is to focus on making small changes so it becomes habit rather than having this be one big mission to get it done then go back to normal life. Ideally you can make small changes and…
  • I'm just getting back on track too! It's amazing how easy it is to get sidetracked by life and then stop logging and then stop making healthy choices. You can do it! :)
  • I sent you a friend request :) I'm starting over again (sorta) and focusing on eating healthy and exercising.
  • Hi! I'm 28 and currently pregnant :) I absolutely love food, so I'm with you on the exercise more to eat more. I've found that logging exactly what you eat really helps to cut out the empty calories though (or at least reduce them so instead of eating 5 cookies you'll only eat 1 or 2 and feel satisfied and not beat…
  • My #1 tip is to eat REAL food! Skip the processed snacks (even if they are "only 100 calories") and grab some fruits & veggies for snacks, make your own lunch and dinner, and try to make sure you're eating enough protein and fiber to keep you full. Plus, don't give up when the scale stops budging or if you totally indulged…
  • love all the great ideas! Thanks!!
  • OMG I wish I would have found this months ago! I'm the MOH doing the organizing ;) we aren't doing a full on mexican theme, but now I wish I was! thanks for the link, there are some photos that will give me more ideas (like a cold pasta salad! I can throw veggies in one of those and use whole wheat noodles)
  • Love the hummus idea! will go great with the veggie platter I already wanted to make and will hopefully get people to eat more veggies ;)
  • What would work really well is a protein shake with a banana, berries, and a scoop of protein powder and using milk (if you drink milk) as the liquid for extra protein and calories. Would probably be around 300-400 calories depending on all that you put in there, but you can also add a scoop of peanut butter to get more…
  • Amazing! Great job so far, you can definitely see the progress! (And your shirt made me laugh!)
  • This looks great! Can't wait to find time to input all my values! Thanks!
  • Eating more protein is fine, and usually recommended, unless you have a medical condition (I find that MFP's protein value is way too low for me anyway, so I always shoot to go above their recommendation). Eating excess fruit sugar is fine too, again unless you have a medical condition. I stopped tracking sugar because I…
  • Love isn't about a size or a number on the scale. I think the biggest issue you are having is your low self esteem. We are our own worst critics, but how is anybody else going to truly love you if you can't love yourself? Try to do some soul-searching and find out who you really are (what you truly like to do, what your…
  • freaking awesome! and your profile pic makes me happy... I'm totally jealous of your hat!
  • Lots of veggies are great snack ideas. I'm on about a 1200 calorie diet and I find it easier to stick to if I fill my meals with lots of veggies
  • Your progress is amazing! Congrats on your weight loss so far, that is freaking awesome!
  • I can be an emotional eater, but usually it's a relatively small scale (not upwards of 5,000 calories in a sitting, but I've definitely had some episodes that were 2,000+). I've found that logging everything I eat has really helped me, but it's really hard to face reality and log when I go into binge mode and literally eat…
  • Hi and welcome! To add friends, find someone you like, click their photo or name to see their profile, then click "add friend" !
  • Hi! I recently rejoined also.. I fell off the wagon and gained back almost all the weight so I'm starting over again.
  • Hi and welcome! This website is awesome and you'll find tons of support and information!
  • I'm 5'2" (ish) and my goal is around 125 but I'll see when I get there. My initial goal is 135 because I weighed that back in 2005 or 2006 and I felt amazing. I'd love to have more short friends! Feel free to add me!
  • IF you find one, let me know. I need some sort of goal or I'm just going to get lazy over the holidays again.