

  • Thank you, Agefyter! You understand my frustration though. Is there such thing as fat that is too old to budge? I tell you, some of this fat has been with me since 1990!! Will I be able to do it? This is crazy, but I won't look at my body in the mirror b/c since I"m my own worst critic I don't usually see the changes. I…
  • LOL! Yeah, girl, I know you are waaaay in already! My rah rah team leader! :)
  • Wow, all the posts sound like me and my plight! I am 43, and the mid-section, which used to be the LAST place I gained weight, now has a couple of rolls, one front, and on below each shoulder blade! UGH! I told my husband that the amount of calorie counting and exercising I'm doing would have surely resulted in me losing…