

  • Hey everyone... Sorry it has been a while. I fell off the wagon!! I was getting sick along with the dieting so I wasn't sure what was going on with me. So, I stopped the diet to see if that was making me sick and that wasn't 100% it. So I am now BACK and ready to lose this weight. I am glad to hear that everyone has been…
  • This week has been rather hard for me to stay with it. I will do my weight in on Friday (got to remember that). This is only week 2 for me but reading the post everyone has helped to keep me moving forward. Thank you ladies for posting you never know who might be needed that extra boost and by reading your post you are…
  • I would like to be 15-20 pounds by halloween! Thanks for the mini goal!!!
  • I did my weigh in yesterday (sorry forgot to post here) but I have lost 6 pounds in my first week. Just counting calories and working out! Thank you for the support!
  • That is awesome to hear! I have been doing the same thing...Looking everything up on here before I go to dinner or looking it up on my phone at the place we are eating! KUDOS to you! :0)
  • My husband and I have been married for 10 years..In those 10 years I believe there has only been one time that he weighed more than I did. I am about 30+ pounds more than he is! He is also taller than me. But he is also in the military and required to stay in better shape!
  • Thank you! :0)
  • Hello everyone! I am new to my fitness pal. I am 205 pounds. Which is the heaviest I have ever been even with 3 pregnancies. I had a ovarian cancer scare in Jan of this year, it turned out NO CANCER. That was one of my reasons for losing weight. I have 3 kids and a wonderful husband. I want to be a good example for my…