

  • oh it is, so so so cute :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :smile: :smile:
    in picture Comment by AlisonEva March 2009
  • Hiya, yeah I'm totally the same, it consumes every waking thought, honestly. It's kinda good though, i think, keeps you on track. I've only started, only on day 4, so I'm hoping by my weigh in check that something good has happened. Though have a confession, just had to chunks of chocolate, had to had a low sugar headache.…
  • :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: thanks!! I'm looking forward to seeing the results of it all soon.
  • :tongue: Hi everyone, I've just joined, hoping to loss 14 lbs, i find the site really helpful. I am really determined to shift this weight and I really like the support that you guys give each other. Well done everyone!