bethany717 Member


  • Hello, I also have an eating disorder, anorexia, although I am in recovery. During recovery I have gained a fair amount of weight, and am looking to lose a little bit, healthily. More importantly is to get fit, as I am extremely unfit at the moment. I do not want to get to an unhealthy weight, as I don't want to go back…
  • Thank you so much for the replies. I've never been anywhere as friendly as this before! I will take on board the advice about exercising. Trouble is I'm not really sure what I should be doing! Fortunately my eating disorder never led to a problem with exercise, so I feel pretty safe doing that, compared to restricting my…
  • Thank you for your replies, everyone. I think I am definitely a skinny fat, although not even that skinny anymore. I am trying to do more exercise, but I live in the middle of nowhere and don't drive, so the gym is out. I am trying to use my Xbox with Kinect to use fitness games, but I am so unfit, I struggle to do any of…
  • I know I'm a bit late to the party - my tag is Batifer7! Will be adding some of you, if that's okay?