

  • Yes- I can remember the first time on the treadmill and felt very similar. I'd suggest starting with a lower speed and just building up minutes over some time, before speeding up. The heart racing probably tells you that you exerted yourself too hard, too fast... For me, I stayed at 2.5 mph for a few sessions until I could…
  • Wow!! Fantastic- cheers!
  • Probably covered sufficiently, but starting with the treadmill and transitioning to the outdoors could be the best way to go. In the past, running outside had really messed up my knees, but I've been doing great treadmill action for awhile now without any overt pain. Some people are just not built to run outside I think,…
  • I'm so glad that you asked this question! You and I are the same size-height, etc.. and have the same weight goals. I started at about 194ish pounds and yesterday I weighed-in at 165. Over the past couple of weeks, I've fluctuated between 165-170 and wondered the same thing about the BMI index. It just seems so unrealistic…
  • Have you tried Play It Again Sports? There are a few around town and they have used and some new stuff with very good prices.
  • Thanks for asking :-> I've been doing baby steps...I made the switch to e-cigs. I get the nicotine in water vapor, removing all of the tar and bad chemicals. As I get comfortable with that, then I'll make the switch to stepping down on other replacements. I started smoking when I was 13 years old and have tried numerous…
  • I've recently decided to pay attention to healthy ways again...after about a 10 or more year break of just eating what I want and no exercise. When I was younger...through my 20s, I was quite active and worked out and the 30's got away from me with long work hours and school programs and raising a family, etc..so it just…
  • I was thinking about this recently also... a good website I came across with listings for all kinds of things is: http://www.at-oc.com/sports/running.htm
  • Hello- I'm a newbie here... I also live in Anaheim, near State College/Lincoln. I've joined gyms on and off over the years, but decided to do the home gym thing this time...so far, so good. In addition to finding some balance in healthy eating and exercise, I'm also trying to wrangle the nicotine monster...working out…