Alpine005 Member


  • Too vague. What's "no results"? Have you lost 0 pounds? What's your weekly goal set to? Are you REALLY logging everything going into your mouth? How many calories are you eating?
  • Yes, up your calories. You might see a short term increase and then you will start losing again. It's the fastest route.
  • I weight myself twice a day. I know some people might be shocked by this, but it works for me. I step on the scale at night before I go to bed and once in the morning (pretty much any time before I take a shower, since it's in my bathroom). I use the morning reading as my official reading. I do it at night to give me a…
  • Seriously people? Hooters was "edgy" in the 80's and since then the uniforms havent changed, but the times have. Ladies walk down the street (forget the beach or pool) with much less. They wear shorts (with panty hose on) and a tank top - oh the horror! The kids will be damanged for life. I go there (or use to) because I…
  • Don't get caught up in self imposed time tables. Set your calorie goal, log everything, stay under your daily goal and enjoy life. Don't worry about how long it will take. Set it and forget it!
  • Might just be the new clothes. I have dropped 6-8 inches in my pant size, but when I currently wear my new pants they are a little snug than I'm use to. I think it brings back old feelings when I was gaining weight. Just take a look at the size, or throw an old pair of pants on. when they look like clown pants, you'll feel…
  • pour it into a measuring cup
  • If they made a pill you took four times a day and say it has 500 calories, tastes good (it's a large pill so you actually have to chew it) I'd take it, Sounds awesome.
  • Perrier and those chopped red peppers (like at subway)
  • My son (4) has been drinking chocolate milk for years and he can bench 175, watch out. haha
  • I'm a strong believer in fitbit. It's helped me up my activity and the support from the company is awesome!
  • If you want, cut your calories by 20% for 4 days and you'll be good. Honestly, just get back on your orginal plan and don't worry about it. This is cliche, but it's not how many times you have been knocked down, but how many times you get back up. Eat at a calorie deficit and you will lose weight. The only thing stopping…
  • Cricket had a $55 smartphone plan. What are you paying for your current cell phone?
  • Get a new phone.......most carriers have free android smartphones...
  • and we have a winner....
  • This is true, but that doesnt mean is has only one meaning. Thus the exisence of what we call "figures of speech"
  • "Cheat" days can be many things and even helpful at times. The better question is why do you care enough to start a new thread?
  • Looking at your diary, I see a lot of processed foods. Why not try to get some more whole foods? All those imitation sweeteners etc. can stall your weight loss.
  • Sugar free jello topped with fat free cool whip, it tastes amazing, almost like a pie. A cup is like 15 calories.
  • +1
    in Beer Comment by Alpine005 April 2012
  • I've also read that sometimes having some beers will reveal weight loss. Obviously it's not the reason you lose weight, but the alcohol draws the water out of the fat cells that have been emptied.
    in Beer Comment by Alpine005 April 2012
  • I really love beer, especailly the darker beers. At this point I really don't drink them much anymore and when I do I'll drink a light, low calorie beer. I have also been drinking Pierre water. Something about it gives it a beer taste/flavor/texture. I've been drinking alot of them.
    in Beer Comment by Alpine005 April 2012
  • Just my opinion, but don't get too caught up with the sugar stuff, I would just try to avoid it in the evening. Keep your aodium down, drink lots of water and hit your calories. Are you lifting weights?
  • Obviously 16 oz is 16 oz... Think about it like this. Muscle is more dense for example, you can fill one large trashcan with rocks (muscle) and fill another large trashcan with feathers (fat), which one will be heavier? They are both two large trashcans that are full of something. Rocks just much more dense than feathers.…
  • Thought I'd update everyone on my progress. I have increased my calorie intake to the 1500-1700 range instead of the 1400-1500 range I was at and I'm not eating my exercise back. I also slowed down my cardio some. I'm doing cardio 4-5 times a week, typically burning 500 calories on the eliptical machine (I've been…
  • Mostly eaten in my dreams
  • CHANGE IT UP! Get out of your current routine because your body has adapted. Workout in the evening, eat more, fast for a day, have intense workouts, take some days off….just change it up. You’ll bust through it and when you do you’ll likely see some fast losses as a result. Don’t give up. If staying on your diet…
    in Plateau Comment by Alpine005 April 2012
  • I'm the same way. Last week I was steady, then on Sunday morning, I was doen 1 pound, Monday morning, down 2 more, Tuesday morning I lost another pound. This morning I'm the same as yesterday. It's crazy.
  • It's awesome that you are pumped up right now, that's a great place to start a life change like this. As much as I'd like to say good luck, you can do it, etc., etc. I'm going to offer some advice, but please don’t let it discourage you. The reality of the situation is that it's almost impossible to keep your level of…
  • I'm the opposite. I've lost almost 35 pounds, I'm eating healthy, working out like crazy in the gym and I feel skinny. The reality is that I'm still probably the biggest person in the room. I'm not sure which one is worse.