How often do you eat? I always eat breakfast, then a few hours later, have a snack, then a few hours later, I eat lunch, then snack, then dinner, then snack. I rarely feel hungry this way.
Thanks for all your advice and encouragement everyone. It's really helped a lot. I don't know many diabetics offline so having a place to come is great. Right now, I'm just trying to resist the donuts! :D
My doctor just called and upped my medication to 2000 mg of Metformin and added 10 mg a day of Glipizide because my A1C pre-medication was 11. The medication had started working over the weekend. I was under 200 both days and was very excited about this. The doctor changing my medication again was so discouraging. :(
Thanks. :)
I am very much trying to avoid insulin. When the doctor told me I had diabetes it was a wake up call for sure. I just know that my blood pressure has gone down a lot and my weight and I wonder why my blood sugars aren't going down. I will try to be patient though. Thanks!
Luckily, after the initial emotions of reaction were over, I haven't had a lot of trouble with the emotional side of things. I just want to make sure I'm doing my part. I have several co-workers who have diabetes and always just eat whatever they want, thinking the medication is going to work all on it's own. I don't want…