micahman Member


  • Sounds good. I did 10 min's on bike, 23 min's circuit, 20 min's on arc machine. Then 40 min's walking at the mall. I also signed up at my gym yesterday for a weight loss challange that last 90 days. I think these chanllages will help my this holiday season (CHRISTMAS AND New Years). I wish everybody the best of the best…
  • Yes I have thought of it and have done it. Luckily my husband was there and got me threw it. What a great support he is. I was actually sobbing out loud. But it doesnt hurt to do that. It did make me feel better. The reason why I did this is because I was struggling to do 20 pushups. When I started out 1 year ago I could…
  • I have lost a total of 140 lbs then gain about 15 back over the last 6 years. I lose it and then gain it back. I have worked out for this 6 years also aprox. 1-1 1/2 hours 6 days a week. I have lost weight and then gain muscle. My body fat is at 21% it was 29% one year ago. So that is good. But I still want to lose the 15…
    in plateau.... Comment by micahman May 2011
  • You can go on bodybuilding.com and see what they have. They have a womans section on there. I have gotten alot of ideas from their web site. If you belong to a gym see if they can put on together for you. I would recommend getting a personal trainer for about a month (once every week) and you will get tons of ideas. I…
  • I have lost a total of 140lbs through the years. But still have a hard time with breakfast. I usually did not eat anything for breakfast. Now I eat a banana before my workout then one-two eggs and energy bar (pure protien is very low in sugar) after that. I am not starved at lunch but I do eat a good lunch. Now if I can…
  • Make sure you log ALL your food and measure all of it for about two weeks just to make sure the portions are correct that you getting. And change your exercise around. You have to do something diff. I think when your at a stand still. I lost 149 lbs gained 24 back now trying to lose that. But I work out hard core and don't…
  • Hello, I am not sure about the lap band. I always thought these surgeries were for people that could not exercise to lose the weight. I have lost over 140 lbs off and on during having 5 babies. I would get down to my weight and then get preg. again. Well my last baby was born over 6 years ago 7 days before my 40th…
  • Well good luck in your weight loss.
  • I use some of my extra calories but not all of them. And I have lost 3 lbs one week and 2 lbs the next week. So I believe you can use them.
  • It really is sad and not fair to us women. But that is the way to is. Lunges and Squats help with this problem area. And planks and leg lifts for the stomach.
  • My face is the first place and my chest area. These are the two places I don't want to loose weight. LOL And about people noticing your weight lost it really depends on your size. The bigger you start out at the least likely to show quick. But don't let that stop anybody. Pay attn to your clothes and how they fit.…
  • Buy the way I think you should do cardio at least 5 days a week. I use to weigh about 300lbs over 18 years ago. I would lose 100 lbs then get preg. and lose the get preg. So on my 5 son at the age of 40 I had my tubs tied and got down to my goal of 154 working out. I have kept all of it off but 20 lbs and now I am working…
  • Yes and you will love the results. A lot of women don't want to weight train b/c they say they don't want muscle like men have. Well that wont happen, because we are diff then men (God made us that way) You will love the muscle instead of the flap anyway. Losing weight slow doing cardio & weight training is the best way to…
  • I haven't weighed my self yet, tomorrow will be one week for me. So i can not wait. I have lost over 145 lbs and have gained 25 of it back within the last 6 years. I keep on going up and down so I was hoping that this will keep me on track. The key is that I have to be honest with the computer so I can see where my…