lmcrt Member


  • Well girls its been 12 days and I'm doing awesome and staying under 1200 cals and exercising despite the crazy cold weather here is Chicago. I'm really suprised I've stayed strong and I think what helps is totally changing the way I eat. I have cut out sweets totally so NO 100cal packs or skinny cow, etc. I feel those are…
  • I have a 2 and 3 year old am have just started to try and lose the weight. pre-pregnancy I weighed 140 and after both kids I was up to 164. I did lose weight naturally after my babies were born which was great but just not enough. Olive on fast food, ordering out, or eating out for convenience and I stopped working out. I…
  • Well believe me I feel exactly the same way...I have 2 toddlers and I work. Life is hectic and exhausting and getting fast food, ordering out, or eating out is the easy choice and oh yes its yummy too...But on the down side I feel like crap and am always tired, live on starbucks coffee to keep me going. Its just not good…
  • I've just stated yesterday and so far so good. I need to lose 30lbs by May so alot of hard work is in order. I'm trying my hardest to keep on track, stick to all natural foods, and start running again. I have a 1 and 2 year old so life is totallu hectic with no time or energy to do much but I have to get past that to get…