RichardB53 Member


  • West Wales here (Yorkshire boy in exile). Happy to chat with anyone.
  • My problem with daily weigh-ins is that my weight varies by anything up to 3-4 lb a day (I assume it's 'work in progress'). It's only weekly that I can see any consistent trend in my weight. Daily weigh-ins can leave me either elated or depressed, so I don't. Weekly is enough to monitor progress. When I was working 9-5, I…
  • This may not be an option for you, but I often walk my dog on a local beach, and I am very conscious of the fact that kids are playing nearby, or will be later that day. I take a child's plastic spade (about a foot long and very light) and just bury the produce about 9" down. No-one would know it was there, and 2-3 tides…