darkangeline Member


  • Check to make sure you are getting enough sodium, potassium, and magnesium. These three things coupled with the diuretic effect of changing the fuel that your body burns can make you feel that way. I think they call it the carb flu.
  • It works for some. It doesn't work for others. It has some pretty interesting science behind it. It helps me so that I am not panicking about my calorie counts. It also helps with a medical condition that I used to have to take epilepsy meds for. Less cost/reliance on big Pharma the better. It's all about what is…
  • Pressure cooker is AMAZING. I usually make Carnitas in it. Crock pots are awesome for making pulled pork, and chicken. My stand mixer gets used to make fat bombs. It's awesome. Food Processor for all of the Cauliflower dishes I want to make. :)