Harry Belafonte Mama Look a boo boo
White Room Cream,
Tip Toe thru the tulips Tiny Tim ! uuuhhhhh
Plant a money Tree !:love:
Texting and computers not making this any easier in the old days had to rely on friends and neighbors so much for modern Man and Woman.....KINDA LIKE THE SONG IN THE YEAR 2525 BY Zager and Evans Give it a listen if you have never heard it !:brokenheart:
Save your money and get your savings back up is there a car pool or other public transporation options? Good Luck.... gas on the west coast is $4.25 a gallon which sucks !
You hate water try living without it ! Not a good thing....
"Crap Ton" what the hell .....????
I love my hazelnut creamer ! Just switched to to the Sugar free it sucks !
Marie Callenders are ya kidding never seen anything healthy in that line...... SODIUM is like Sky High !
Thumbs Up:bigsmile:
I guess i will just take your Glass:laugh: es Judy in Disguise !
Ok Ladies i am all ears what are your FAVORITE after shaves cologne...?
1 It was Sunny in the N.W....! 2 Talked to my Brother on Skype 3Truck was in the shop and did not go over estimate ! Yippee
I like the GNU High Fiber Bars , also Just bought some Yanco dried fruit from Amazon .com it's different Also love yogurt Choiban or Liberte if you can find it Greek style 's the best....
Gup thats Pug Backwards !
Nice story i love all my Dogs over the Years some better then others but there always up for a walk and make you feel better when your down in the dumps. There are dumb Dogs just like people. I have had Afghan hounds (4) there suppose to be a dumb breed a beg to differ my Dogs Sundance and Kasey were in the back of my…
My Knees are already shot maybe when i was young and in the Army !
I stay away from Aspartame causes headaches and other withdrawl sysmptoms chills sweats cannot sleep no thanx not for me a Lab does not need to tell me what i know first hand........Bad stufff !:explode:
1 to 2 blocks of Dark Chocalate a day keeps the Doctor away !:happy:
Wow Danica took a Big Lick !
New Balance and Reeboks are my faves
I try and eat more seed's and nut's Chia, pistachios there natural and better for you then junk snacks ....
Looks great going to have to try it ! I eat BlueBerrys just about everyday !
Have you tried the GNU bars ?
I remember someone said cottage cheese makes you FAT beacause only fat peple eat it ! I like the small curd best also add half cup with half cup of yogurt mix it up add some cereal like honey bunch of oates tasty and healthy !
Love Nascar ! Being from the Northwest Kasey Kane is my guy go Bowties !
90 Nissan 300zx 93 Toyota p/u Sold my 04 BMW R1150RT Motorcycle
Walked the dog for 45 minutes had one beer and a glass of wine and stayed under all my set goals ! Life is Good !