I know someone who said that their eating disorder began when they had to count calories as part of a health class assignment, however she had other issues prior - seasonal depression, anxiety - that made her susceptible. Eating disorders are a disease, counting calories will not make you anorexic/bulimic/any other form of…
I give you a solid 8.5, jeez people XD
9.8 ;)
9! :glasses:
Beautiful :)
This is exactly what I need, because I only have 5 pounds (give or take some fluctuations) to lose until I reach my goal weight! SW: 130 GW: 125 Weight in dates: Sat. 6/7 : 130 Sat: 6/14: Sat 6/21: Sat 6/28: Total Weight Lost: This summer I'm looking forward to - Going to the beach! - Participating in a program at an art…