goalin2012 Member


  • I have heard of chia seeds how do they taste and how are they good for us? help
  • quick? and good? well depends on how fast you are lol u could actually do an omelette, egg or egg whites and throw in some veggies, i love onions, peppers and mushrooms only tkes about 5 mins and enjoy. Again this depends on your fastness lol so good luck
  • Congrats and please keep in touch with me my goal is your goal
  • wowwwwwwwwwwwwww oh my gosh please keep in touch with me. My goal is 100 and sometimes I feel helpless. I have just started a program where I lost 40 lbs before but got pregnant and now starting over again. Now I am attempting the program again and i really want to get to goal of 90-100 lbs gone. you look amazing!!!!!! im…