jnerdin Member


  • You get a metabolism boost for a certain number of hours after you work out because your body is using energy to recover from the workout. That will be true regardless of when you work out. However, if you go to sleep shortly after you work out, your body naturally slows down many functions, so the benefit may be a bit…
  • All this talk about getting a boob job "for yourself" is ridiculous. How would you feel if your significant other, or your best friend, or your mother, told you that they'd love you more if you had bigger boobs? My guess is that you'd be offended that they would love you more as a result of such a superficial change and…
  • Don't. There are many many things that make a person sexy, but the size of a woman's breasts is not one of them. Women with small breasts can be incredibly sexy. I think natural is always sexier. Just don't. Work with what you have.
  • Depending on the terrain, I'd guess about an hour or less, but a weekend trial is a good idea.
  • I am serious, but I was okay. By being careful and obeying all traffic laws, you can avoid almost all accidents. However, just like driving a car, occasional accidents still happen. If you always wear a helmet and try to ride as safely as possible, you'll probably be alright. In general, I think you are safer riding on the…
  • It is telling that nobody is posting about how much they hate riding their bike to work and wish they could drive. I'm glad I don't have to worry about the winter weather trail_rnr deals with though. I've got it pretty easy living in Los Angeles. However, I can't imagine downtown Boston being much more dangerous than LA…
  • I'm like you and I don't like carrying bottles or anything else when I run. I've also never found a water belt or camel pack system that I like running with, so here's what I do. Whenever possible, I try to map out my long runs in advance so that I can drive the route immediately before running and stash water bottles…
  • I agree with this and so does Competitor magazine. There is an article in the latest edition that make the case for not doing runs any longer than 16 miles to train for a full marathon. I don't know if that means that 8 miles is long enough when training for a half marathon, but I've run two half marathons without ever…
  • 1. Finish the C25K program by running the 5K, or multiple 5Ks. 2. Train for and run one or more 10Ks. 3. Train for and run one or more half marathons. 4. Then...start to think about running a marathon. There are a lot of reasons to take a gradual approach, including avoiding injury, preventing burn-out or discouragement.…
  • I'm 42 and I say I look 42. I think anyone who is 42 and looks older than me looks old for their age. Vice versa for anyone who is 42 and looks younger. No point trying or hoping to look like anything other than what I am. This way, I don't have to worry about whether I look old or young. If I'm the baseline, then everyone…
  • Thanks everyone. I realize that I probably won't drop 20 lbs, but I will take some of your suggestions and I'm sure it will help if I'm a few pounds lighter in November. This will be the third year I've done the Santa Barbara half marathon and I want to do better than last year. I'll start with oatmeal and fruit for…
  • Who said I was unwilling to change? I just said I didn't want to eat vegan for dinner and I didn't want to fast or purge. I'm willing to make changes and the fact that I've already lost almost 40 lbs in the past couple years demonstrates that I am not afraid to do what I need to do. Just because I listed my weaknesses,…
  • Very impressive and inspiring. I'm officially committing to registering for that triathlon that I've been considering. Keep it up.
  • You're clearly all just hoping someone will nominate you so you can feel better about your pathetic existence? Get a life and some real friends.
  • [/quote] Hey.. is your friend single? [/quote] Wise choice.
  • If this is intended as a general statement, then it's mostly misguided. If it is intended as a personal rebuttal, then it misses the fact that I am 6'3", 235 and able to carry one end of a piano up a flight of stairs on my own, thus not really fitting the "smaller" description. In this equation, I'm not sure to whom I…
  • This is what I mean. I'm guessing this guy does not have a Napoleon Complex and isn't an moron. (No, I am not hitting on you.)
  • In my experience, men who are focused on size and compare their size to the size of others are usually either short or stupid, or most often both. Men of above average stature and intelligence typically focus on more important things.
  • I don't often visit these forums, but this is an interesting discussion. Not because I face similar issues, but because I anticipate that my daughter might. My wife and I are both Caucasian and our 8 year-old adopted daughter is half Caucasian and half African American. She looks like an equal blend of her two birthparents…
  • I'm not familiar with the couch to 5K program, but I was in the same position as you are a few years ago. I was convinced that I'd never be able to run long distances because I got exhausted too quickly. I was 80 lbs overweight, but I could do other things without getting as tired as when running. Here's what worked for…
  • Sorry, but sexy or not isn't a primary concern. It's just so much easier to only shave once a week on Sundays.
  • The person who added forums to MyFitnessPal.
  • I've been trying to figure this out for a while now. My instinct and my weight-loss experience since starting with MFP a few months ago suggest that MFP over-estimates calories burning while cycling. I commute 20 miles per day by bike over a big hill and spend an average of 80 minutes a day riding. If the MFP estimates are…
  • You have a point. I work full time as a corporate attorney and I exercise an average of two hours a day, mostly because I ride my bike to and from work (about 40-45 minutes each way). Plus, I can go to the gyms downstairs in my office building and work out during lunch. My wife is the primary caregiver for our three…
  • 10.1
  • ...you feel sexy.
  • Mine are about 29", but I'm a 6'3" male and I cycle a lot, so they're not small. My point? Who cares? Just get healthy.