

  • Try switching up your exercise. If you usually do the elliptical, try the bike or the treadmill. Add some strength training. And the BEST plateau buster is intervals. They are hard, they suck, but they work and you feel so strong when you are done. And you can do them anywhere: running, walking, elliptical, bike, anything.…
  • Good good good!! I mean, don't go crazy and eat apples all day long, but keep eating your morning one!! Humans weren't designed to function with worrying over grams and limits and protein intake. Just eat what your body wants, the closer to nature the better. And remember Michael Pollan's advice: most of the food in the…
  • I've been vegetarian for about 7 years now! I've tried to go vegan, but at the point in my life right now, I just can't make the switch. I am trying to cut out dairy though; it hasn't been sitting well in my stomach lately anyway. I'd love in anyone could share recipes, I'm always looking for new things to try!!…
  • Good for you! We can all do this, we just have to remember to make choices instead of grabbing what is handy!
  • Silly question... how do I get my ticker onto my signature??
  • Thanks guys! I am very excited about the half marathon. Before I "back-slid," I was running a 9:15 min/mile and was feeling great!! My uncle runs races with me :-) He is 67 and man, can he kick it up a notch! I can't keep up with him!! He wants to do a marathon a month after the half... I don't think that's happening! It…