

  • I have heard that meal replacement bars are not necessarily bad for you - its for those people on the go, which most of our society is, who dont have time to make a complete nutritious meal. I use them often, but i used them as MEAL replacement, not snacks. The amount of calories in them are pretty high for a snack. So for…
  • I think because i didnt see the chart, then im late. Im sorry. My weigh in was 162 for May 1st. If im too late, then oh well. I was confused on what to look for!! -Zina
  • Am I suppose to wait for the chart to weigh in? because i know we were suppose to lastnight, but i dont see anything...
  • Im in. WynWeight / Zinna Goal Weight for May 31st: 155lbs
  • I can't say that im pear shaped, but i am carrying baby weight around with me, about 15 lbs and my little girl is almost 7 months now. Im determined to lose some of this weight before summer!! I am working out after work, even though time is rediculously scheduled, and trying to eat right. You can add me if you want!!
  • Totally eat like a cow..but i guess thats natures way of making sure we keep producing a good source of milk! Its just i need to make healthier choices. Im not into chips or anything like that, my biggest downfall is if there are cookies in the house!! (Or cake, since it was just my birthday!!) I tried to watch my calorie…
  • Thanks all for your input! Some great ideas. I have thought about waking up extra early or doing something late at night, just havent done it yet! I usually go after work - but thats tough because the night is so scheduled with feeding her/bath time/reading/etc. Also..i made breastfeeding an exercise, so I know some people…
  • I have not, I tend to lean more towards cardio than i do weighted anything. I know i should be better about some sort of weight training, just never got into it and now its even harder. But i will look into more, especially if it requires less time. I have heard about Crossfit, i thought about trying it.
  • i will try this tonight, once my baby is sleeping! cant wait...
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