

  • Wow! You guys are such an inspiration!!!! You look great! I bet losing all that weight feels amazing:flowerforyou:
  • Here's another one that had me stumped: NSV- Non scale victory. I had to google it to find out what it was.
  • Pretty cool! Thank you
  • Request sent! I'm getting married Sept 14 and while I fit in to my dress, I would love for it to be too big and have to get it altered:)
  • Welcome! My advice is always under estimate your workout time when logging it. IMO My Fitness Pal over does the calories burned. And make sure you eat at least 1200 calories everyday, otherwise you're starving yourself. Feel free to send me a friend request:wink:
    in Hi Comment by browneyes97 April 2013
  • I try to do everything in moderation. I think if you deprive yourself of something ( a certain food or food group), it will just come back and bite you in the butt. Instead of eating 5 chips, you'll eat the whole darn bag. I've noticed that eating eggs for breakfast and snacking on fruits and veggies and almonds has really…
  • Philadelphia suburbs
  • I have the previous version- the bodybugg. After the initial purchase (I paid $100), I got 6 months free of the subscription after that it's $6.95 per month. That being said, I love it. I know exactly how many calories I burned. I have fat arms so I feel it is more noticeable on me. It's not super bulky but you can tell…
    in Help! Comment by browneyes97 April 2013
  • I am by no means an expert but I think you need to figure out what void you are trying to fill with all that food. It seems like an emotional thing...I know I eat when I get upset. Food 'soothes' me.
  • Bananas Eggs Whatever other fruit and veggies that are on sale/in season Lean meat- whatever is on sale frozen veggies I'm trying to save for a wedding so I try to buy whatever is the best deal. Currently, it's a lot of strawberries and asparagus.
  • Drink lots of water, eat lots of fruit and veggies and lean proteins. Sirloin steak is less calories than say, a Tbone. Skip the rice and potatoes and get a side of veggies instead. I agree with the poster who said stop at the store. Stock up on some nuts, dried fruit, pretzels or other healthy snacks.
  • You need a minimum of 1200 calories. Please don't eat less than that, or your body will shut down and go into starvation mode. You may even need to make it higher than 1200 calories. Try drinking more water and don't get discouraged, weight loss takes time. I gain weight at least 1 week a month but then lose it and then…
  • I've tried Sensa. I didn't stick to it real well. I found it hard to sprinkle the sprinkles on some items, like pretzels (one of my fave snacks). I think it did help me lose weight but now I have some stomach issues and I wonder if maybe Sensa contributed to them. Of course, I have no proof of this; I only noticed the…
  • Thanks for the reminder! Don't forget that muscles burn more calories than fat. Eventually your newly added muscles will whittle away that layer of fat. I feel you on the pear shape. I used to think I had an hour glass figure, but the more weight I lose, the more I am pear shaped. And losing 5 pounds is great!!!
  • Wow! Very inspiring! You both look great:) Thanks for sharing:flowerforyou:
  • Actually, I think the more weight I lose the worse my symptoms are at that time of the month. I get horrendous back cramps. I do think that working out helps me not to be in as much pain. Days that I work out around my TOM, the back paid is not quite as bad as normal. At my heaviest (I weighed 60lbs more than now) I don't…
  • I certainly hope not! My favorite is their Cookies and Cream. So yummy. I especially love it since it's dairy free and I can eat "ice cream" again.
  • I have about that left to lose, if not more. We can lose weight together! Friends do make it better:)
  • I can always use the next/best/greatest sports bra! Thanks for the food for thought:wink:
  • That's great!:bigsmile:
  • A little- I think the more weight I lose the smaller my chest gets and the bigger my stomach gets:( I'm trying to work through it- do more abs and chest exercises. Hopefully that will help even things out.
  • I know what you mean. I've been asked that when I've gained a few pounds and I think- how fat did I look before? Although I think it can have to do with a slimming outfit. Whenever I wear this one pair of dark jeans, I always get compliments.
  • My go to snacks are almonds, cheerios and fruit (pears, apples and my new fave- mango; or whatever fruit is in season). I do love pretzels so I will eat them in moderation. And hummus, I LOVE hummus. It goes well with veggies and chips. Meal wise I eat grilled chicken with some veggies- usually peas or green beans. But…
  • Yeah, that^^^. Try eating more fruits/veggies, lean proteins. Bring your own snacks to work- almonds, nuts, cheese sticks, celery etc. Also take the stairs instead of the elevator, park far from the entrance of your building, do tasks standing instead of sitting down. They are all small differences that can help. Best of…
  • I would love to participate! Count me in! My name is Deb and I want to lose at least 40lbs this year. I just got engaged and we are planning to get married in the fall. I want to look amazing in my wedding dress. I'm also tired of shopping in the plus size section.
  • Hi! I am always looking for supportive friends. I am on everyday, may not be until afternoon though. We can lose weight together:)
  • I, too, bought a bag and have yet to use it. But I wanted to say that I bought this really cool drink at Whole Foods with chia seeds in it. It was cherry juice, chia seeds and some stevia. So maybe add some to juice or iced tea, the seeds do gel up but it's not hard to swallow or anything.
  • One of my go to meals is taco salad. I brown the meat (ground chicken, beef or turkey, whatever you have on hand), drain the fat, then put in the spices- cayenne pepper, paprika, onion powder (sometimes I sautee an onion first instead), and garlic powder. I use the spices instead of pre-made packet b/c the packets have so…
  • Haha. This is me. I fry my eggs a night or two before, then just warm them in the micro at work.
  • Me Me Me!!! My favorite black tea is Earl Grey. My favorite green tea is Peach Ginger Green Tea by Stash. Yogi also makes a good blueberry green tea. I love the holiday teas too. All the minty ones and the sweet ones:) Yum!