niclambert Member


  • i thought they were the same. i'm pretty sure there are 16oz to the pound in UK and US. There are 14lbs to a 'stone' which is how we measured our weight in UK way back when. I think they weigh in KIlos now and there are 2.2lbs to a if you weigh 180lbs you'd be 81.82 Kilos...sounds great eh? we all like lower…
  • Sorry no pics to post just yet. I am 5'11 and have recently had my 50th birthday. I have struggled with yo-yoing for over 30 years and have weighed betwee 215 and 155 (i think that lasted for a week). I have to really work at getting and staying at 155 but when i weigh around 180 i seem to linger there for a while. My body…
  • Greek yoghurt is high in protein. I mix about 6oz with a 1/3 cup of low glycemic berries. It can be a bit tart, you could add a little sweet & Low or I add a 1/4 cup of kashi go lean crunch which adds carbs and protein but adds a hint of sweet.