gvheintz Member


  • I remember when I was on the "Carbohydrate Addict's Diet" about 15 years ago... the end of it was one midnight I got off work and the car drove me to McDonald's! I remember afterwards a coworker telling me she was always jealous of the salads I had been packing for lunch. Me? I loathed the salads! The deprivation drove me…
  • Vodka, diet 7up and lime flavoured crystal light or just vodka and another flavoured crystal light to your taste. (or vodka and one of the MIO flavours you like)
  • 1 - 13759 2 - 12124 (and forgot it on my coat for a couple hours ...) 3 - 12131 4 - 12438 5 - 11451 (ummm ... fitbit went through 1/5 of a laundry cycle before I rescued it. That added about 1000 steps, so I took a walk that is usually about 12-1300 to make up for it ...) 6 - 12015 7 - 13349 8 - 14025 9 - 13174 10 - 9866…
  • @ Vanessa194 ... all the pics with you smiling, esp the third and last one. @ Maegan0205 ... love the wedding day pic and the pooches @allday2 ... the race pic with the timeclock
  • Don't have that problem ... but just in terms of nummy goodness ... I like an apple with a good old fashioned piece of cheddar or dipped in honey greek yogurt ... like I'm eating for breakfast now...
  • 1 - 13759 2 - 12124 (and forgot it on my coat for a couple hours ...) 3 - 12131 4 - 12438 5 - 11451 (ummm ... fitbit went through 1/5 of a laundry cycle before I rescued it. That added about 1000 steps, so I took a walk that is usually about 12-1300 to make up for it ...) 6 - 12015 7 - 13349 8 - 14025
  • My pic was taken at the end of August... maybe time to update it.
  • 1 - 13759 2 - 12124 (and forgot it on my coat for a couple hours ...) 3 - 12131 4 - 12438 5 - 11451 (ummm ... fitbit went through 1/5 of a laundry cycle before I rescued it. That added about 1000 steps, so I took a walk that is usually about 12-1300 to make up for it ...) 6 - 12015
  • I live by myself and was so self conscious I bought a tv and set up a home exercise area in the basement so people can't see me through my front window.
  • What triggered my journey. I guess the simple answer is being overweight ... and being tired of it. My pants when I bought them fit well, but they had "elastic" in the waist. I didn't feel bad because I wasn't "using" the elasticky part ... but I put on about 8 pounds and that used up the elastic. I got downright scared…
  • I put it in the washer ... it went through about 1/5 of a cycle before I realized it. I put it in rice. I brought the fitbit in the rice near the base and it synced. Apparently that was about 1000 steps. Hope it keeps working!
  • Doing this ... love my FITBIT to help me know how I'm doing. :D 1 - 13759 2 - 12124 (and forgot it on my coat for a couple hours ...) 3 - 12131 4 -
  • Doing this ... love my FITBIT to help me know how I'm doing. :D 1 - 13759 2 - 12124 (and forgot it on my coat for a couple hours ...)
  • With "Cowgirl Up" as part of your profile ... I thought I would recommend this spice blend ... http://www.bustersbbq.com/productcart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=3&idproduct=3
  • I guess it would be a little bitta baby duck at midnight. But if we want to go with what happened when I got up this morning ... I think the first bite was Royal Gala Apple dipped in Honey Greek Yogurt. Had that with my morning Brown Sugar and Raisin Oatmeal.
  • PlayBook tablet Dog Pillow Warm blanket Fitbit
  • Adore the fitbit. I think the most helpful tool I've found is that instead of some generic TDEE depending on what I might or might not have done during the day, it gives me a suggestion at what I have expended energy wise and if I'm hungry at night and have burned lots of calories, I can be guiltless in eating back some…
  • As boring as it sounds, I find many small goals and reasonable goals much more useful in this area. Unattainable goals and attacking it too hard gets me tired of the struggle. Small goals you can reach means you feel a sense of accomplishment as you go along. Also, you learn to be content with the results. I remember…
  • I'm going to say yes and no. A guy lost weight on a twinkie diet that maintained low calories. That said, I will add the calories are also numbers that indicate the energy in a food but the way your body uses them has an impact as well. The less processed the food, the more work it takes you body to digest and absorb the…
  • The assumption by the airlines that I need a "belt extender". I have never needed one, but it was humiliating that the stewardess assumed as much. As it is, I don't mind flying, but I always "squish up" so I'm not leaning into the person next to me. I'm looking forward to my next flight to see how much easier it will be…
  • Comments like that on this forum could result in lots of guys asking for your number. :D mmmm bacon burger.....
  • None. Don't want any. Really not my thing.
  • Congratulations! You look amazing!
  • I'm down a couple lbs. I've had some "good eats" and unintended excesses, but for the most part I could adapt when I ate and as a large man I have lots of room before I hit my TDEE. That, and the dog still wants a walk every day. I think it helped that I also had a "New Year's" goal ... I started watching on July 1. I even…
  • My "New Year's Goal" is to be in the 200's .... I did the whole "anti New Year's resolution" thing by making it a goal This morning when I stepped on the scale I was just above 300 but if I "stand right" I drop down under. I don't normally do that "stand right" thing but I'd say the 299.6 on the scale was enough to say I…
  • This may seem a bit harsh ... but feelings are irrelevant. The question is, "what is true?" Is it true that you can never lose weight? Even if you actually are eating less calories than you use by exercise and bodily functions (BMR)? There could be a medical reason and then I would say go get checked out by a doctor.…
  • http://www.vhsauces.ca/en/home.html Also, a great resource might be some of the books by Sandi Richard. She has great stuff.
  • notyourkimmy looks like a dog lover ... great to hand out and get to know a fellow dog lover. :D
  • I bought one for my mom and she loves playing on it (in her 60's). She enjoys the yoga poses and the balancing games. She also has the additional "step" and likes to step while watching TV. She has a very physically demanding job, so she's not looking for a demanding exercise regimen. I use mine occasionally. I like the…
  • I love using my crockpot to make soups. I find it a way to pile in vegetables including some that I don't particularly favour on their own. For example, tonight was "butternut squash soup." Mom's visiting. Her answer was it was "different." "Good, but different." The crockpot is also great for meats .... they don't require…