

  • There have some studies been made around artificial sweetners - especially aspartame (is this nutrasweet in the US???). This chemical was released first with high allowed amounts in food. This has been corrected because they found that this can cause cancer in animal models. The problem may be, that we don't know a lot…
  • Hi! I am a (female) scientist (full day) in Hamburg (Germany) and now hitting my second week P90X. I want to have the body I allays see myself having when I dream in front of the mirror. I am 1.62m/70kg. Having a full day makes it complicated to include the workouts, but until now, I'm mastering this quite OK I think.…
  • Hi I'm only in my first week, so if my diet works, I cannot tell. I try to eat the P90X recommended amount of kcal - which would be 1800 (without the workout kcal). As you can imagine, I'm fine with that. I have some problems with the amount of fat (fat freed food is sometimes to artificial in my eyes - especially for…
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