CharleneG_Barnes Member


  • Every recipe I create in the recipe tool I assume a serving size is ONE CUP so it doesnt matter how much anyone eats -- I know how much each pot holds and log what I make then I portion out how much I take -- one cup, part of a cup etc. which helps me feel like I am being as close as possible to correct calorie count.
  • Thank you for the add.......... I am nervous about maintaining after losing for so long.......but I am almost ready, and it will be nice to have friends who also have lost (maybe a significant amount) and who are wanting to maintain long term.... Anyone else in this thread at this point and want to add me, I would be happy…
  • This seems to be very common. I have heard this story before and I have lived this story also. My loss has slowed significantly over the last six months but have lost a total of 135-140 pounds since Feb 2012, with about 15-20 to go....and sometimes I still catch my reflection in the mirror and am surprised by what I see.…
  • "Just shake it off" ??? Ya ok :huh:
  • read Kevins blogs......
  • I havent heard about the effects ot the ACV with Mutter (athough I hear its good for acid reflux) but I had the candida so bad I avoided all vinegars out of fear mostly. I used asidopholous in pill form with the live cultures from the health food store (should be stored in the fridge or will soon become ineffective. I dont…
  • this morning I had mine---dig out the pit, then make the pit a little bigger and enjoy that first bite.....then drip some hot sauce into the cavity followed by an egg, and topped with a bit of cheese and bake till cooked to the firmness you like--_YUMMY
  • Its more than sugar you have to watch out for. Also vinegar is a big one. I had this early on in my MFP journey, and although it took me more than 2 months of strict diet control I did beat it. I followed the health food store recommendation and went 4 months on the very strict diet and then slowly, very slowly…
  • I have suffered for most of my life (off and on) from clinical depression and after the battle to come off meds last time refuse to go back on this has been a battle for a few weeks now and the only thing that gets me through is knowing that the black clouds will again pass. Im sorry that this does not help or…
  • 5'4" lost 127# so far, biggest tip? log every single thing you put in your mouth. be honest with yourself if you "cheat" by not logging it, your only cheating yourself.....that being said, do not be afraid to treat yourself this is a marathon not a sprint and you want to change your habits not DIET and then return to old…
  • So many positive and helpful words........I have found that the biggest part of the journey is a mental awareness of deciding what you want then setting mini goals to get you where you want to be.....that way its been easier for me than I expected (most of the time) but of course there area easier and harder days or…
  • Lots of great advise. You will get what you put in, commit to yourself and stay with it -- you can do it (through the learning given to you by bad days). Try not to get discouraged by a bad day, just dont use as an excuse to give up, pick yourself up and start again--your worth it. As has been said, concentrate more on…
  • Well said.....I have been on MFP for 400+ days and have lost 123 pounds so far, I am within 20 pounds of my current goal (weight wise) but have learned and changed in so many other ways. Now my thoughts wonder to how will I maintain, but I know that it too will be a process and I can do that too. Thank you for sharing.…
  • I am not a member of OA, I dont know that there is even a group where I live, I have been very successful on MFP but had a NSV this week (its been coming for a while now) and would like some new friends who might understand where I am coming from. I think ppl in OA would fit that bill. If your interested in new friends,…
  • BAHAHA--Im just being silly here, but hey me too--but I waited 20 years lol, my twins turn 21 in May. You look awesome, way to go
  • I am not sure what you mean by "collectors" but you can add me if you like.... I have logged every day for over a year, I am dedicated and serious about continuing as I am not at goal yet. I try to comment as much as possible and every day when possible. My intention is to stay motivate and help/motivate whenever possible.…
  • I just use what it pre-sets. as it adjusts as your exercise anyway I imagine its pretty good for anything I need. I dont know if it will let you look at my diary--its open.
  • I have been doing this for over a year and have lost over one hundred pounds, I am normally over on protein counts and so for me I would say that for me at least---being over has never become a problem for losing. I do however rarely meet my carb numbers, for me this works. good luck to you.
  • It is such a giant milestone, Im not sure everyone can understand so many months efforts and to finally be lowered into the "overweight" category.....made me SO happy, congrats.
  • Im not sure if Im doing this right but Im going to try, How do I come back to update this ?? Week # 1 -- October 29th -- Goal 180 minutes: Mon: Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: