Mine just shipped so I think I will be starting Monday =)
Yes, you have to be careful!!! I just had my Mirena removed yesterday due to weight gain over the 3 years that I had it. I couldn't stand it anymore!! I had so many tests which were all negative for any health issues causing weight gain. I gained about 40lbs over almost 3 years, and couldn't lose anything despite having a…
You can probably attribute the Wellbutrin to the fact that you lost weight! My doctor put me on Wellbutrin because I was complaining of fatigue. She said that it would help. This overlapped me getting Mirena put in. In the first few months I lost about 15lbs. I stopped taking the Wellbutrin because it did not help my…
I have had mirena for about 3 years. During my first year I lost almost 15 pounds in the first 3 months, but I now attribute that to a medication that the doctor had put me on. Once I stopped that medication I jumped back up a little more than 15 lbs. The following year I gained about another 10-15lbs which I complained to…
Sorry, I was trying to quote this post: "My questions is why can't you go out and enjoy yourself without alcohol? Maybe that's your problem!" Rude! She never said that she was incapable of having a good time without alcohol.