Randomcheese Member


  • During the time I was actively trying to lose weight, I only weighed myself once a week. I picked a time and day and made a small ritual out of it but only stepped on the scale once a week. I'm in maintenance mode right now and I'm checking the scale every day. I find that my weight varies by about six pounds over the…
  • I share my diary with friends. I don't know that my diet would be a good path for anyone else to follow but I have lost 30 lbs since I started doing this about 6 months ago. My method is "anything you want, in moderation." My diary reflects that. I also enjoy the opportunity to share success with others and offer or…
  • I just got here myself. I took a picture of the scale and posted it to facebook! Congrats!
  • I usually make a big production about it. Bring 'em in close, look around for eaves-droppers then whisper: "I eat less." When they roll their eyes, I pretend to get angry and wag my finger at them. "Don't tell anybody, this whole 'eat less' diet is going to make me rich. I'm talking books, videos, infomercials... you want…
  • Coffee Banana Fiber One Oats and Chocolate bar Bird'seye Edamame steamed Bird'seye Green Beans Steamed Gorton's grilled Filets Almonds raw unsalted Indulgent trail mix Baby carrots Black and Tan- Yeungling
  • Reading through this thread has been an eye opener. I never considered any of the fashion/wardrobe consequences of weight loss. To all the ladies struggling to meet society's effed-up double-standards of appearance I apologize on behalf of my gender and wish you the best of luck. But I'm going to keep bragging about how I…
  • I try to be accurate when I record my calories consumed. And I over-estimate when I can't find an exact match. (i.e. I choose the closest item at the highest calorie count.) The weight has been coming off steadily and I don't feel drained or tired, so I'm going to guess that I'm eating enough. Since I posted this, I've…
  • I chose my goal wt based on what I weighed before I stopped smoking 10 years ago. For several years I told myself it was better to be heavier than to be smoking but at some point that argument breaks down. For me it was +55 lbs. I'm down 40 lbs from my heaviest in Jan 2010 and 16 lbs in the last three months since I…
  • Started tracking my food intake about three months ago. I've concentrated on limiting my calorie intake and being brutally honest about it in my tracking log. I occasionally glance at the ratios thing on my phone and often worry about the amount of sodium I'm consuming, but since I've lost about 5 lbs/month by just…
  • The phone ap is really handy for this. I can't think of an entree that I can't find in the MFP system. One of my co-workers is on the Weight Watchers plan and has their phone ap. MFP's database kicks butt! I don't know that I would be able to use the MFP resource effectively without having the ap on my phone. Also, if I…
  • OK, I'm fairly new to the whole calorie counting thing. (I've only been doing it for about two months now.) I'm really confused by people saying they're eating 1000 to 1200 calories per day. From the first day I started, MFP set me a goal of over 2400 calories a day to lose half a pound a week. Even if I up my goal to two…