

  • My recovery week is next week. I've noticed changes everywhere! Everything is tighter, less bloated, etc. I think I am just terrible at measuring because I haven't seen much inch loss, most for-sure one I've taken is my abs and I've lost an inch in that area. Waist is mostly the same sometimes it says I've lost an inch,…
  • Well, after week one both my fiance and I have lost 1 inch in our waists.. I was kind of hoping for more, but I know my diet wasn't clean enough.
  • Me too! Every step I take feels like a stab! It's comical but after awhile it's annoying because I realize how I've always taken my mobility for granted, lol.
  • my calves are SO sore after day 3! i had to walk like a penguin when I slid out of bed this morning, and even now I hobble around the first few steps after I've been sitting down. i'm sure it's all normal it's just something that struck me as funny yesterday when I was doing day 3, because the pain in my calves from day 2…
  • I haven't done day 3 yet but wow am I sore from day 2!!! I've never sweat so much during a workout. Ever. My calves hurt the most. I was definitely not able to keep up with all of them and I took a lot of catch-my-breath breaks, but I still pushed myself so I was really proud when it was over. I sucked down a protein shake…
  • Starting tonight too, good luck everyone! :)
  • I'm doing my first fit test after work today! My fiance did it this morning, he felt sick afterward for about an hour, lol. It was his first time ever working out though, I'm so happy he is doing this with me! Excited to do mine later :)
  • I can't start until Monday! But I ordered some Reebok crossfit shoes and I'm actually super pumped up because of those shoes, LOL! I saw Shaun T's facebook post about how important it is not to do this workout in running shoes. Oops! All I've ever used is running shoes for workouts like this, no wonder my knees always…
  • I'm starting on the 9th! I really want to start NOW, but I want to go Monday -Saturday so I can rest on Sunday... just seems like the rest day will be more rewarding if I have nothing else to do that day :)