

  • Get a foreman style grill thingy. Put chicken on. Take chicken off 5-7 minutes later. (boneless is best) TADA: you know have a cooked piece of chicken that can go on a sandwich, in a salad, by itself, with pasta, or whatevs.
  • I like yoga. I don't really count it as a workout, but I enjoy it anyway. It helps me notice some of the physical side effects of weight loss. "Oh, look, I can breathe in child's pose" "Oh look, I can do that now, a couple of months ago, I had too much flab in the way" "Oh, look, I have better balance" My back hurts less…
  • In all seriousness, I pick up a lot of friends through a point of interest in a thread. Sometimes I keep talking to them. Sometimes I come across them in my friends list, see the name, and have no friggen clue why they're there, as I've long since forgotten the original reason, and haven't contacted them at all since.…
  • Definitely not something you want advice about around here? Have you seen some of these threads? Ask a health care professional. I don't know the answers for YOU, but when the question came up for me, the breast feeding nutritionist said that a balanced drink, such as a carnation instant breakfast, ensure, (or pediasure,…
  • I'm dreading January because this will be my first winter in 20 years... I'm scared to death. They tell me this white stuff that somewhat resembles ash will fall from the heavens and cover the grounds in a substance that will make me fall on my posterior if I try to walk on it. They tell me that the temperatures will drop…
  • When I'm picking a cardio machine THIS is what I'm looking for: A machine that doesn't clunk, squeak or catch at weird spots. A good view of a TV playing a show I like to watch, AND a functioning sound system. I'm weird and I don't like air blowing directly in my face, so I avoid the spot by the doors, the fans, or under…
  • I agree.. water is UGH... I'm horrible, I even put non carbonated energy drinks in my water bottle LOL.
  • Vote for sleep. #notamorningperson
  • HW: 268 LW: 3 lbs 14 oz CW: 212 GW: Somewhere in the 130-160 range, I haven't been in that range since I was a competing athlete or in the military, and before kids, and was about 4 inches shorter than I am now. When I hit 160, I'll decide if I need to loose more, or hold there.
  • I "speak" three languages, and know enough phrases to survive in many others. Speak is in quotes, because one of the three is American Sign language. I know how to program and edit the software of several kinds of eye gaze and touch screen communications devices. (Not the coding/writing/engineering part, the setting it up…
  • I hate that they cancelled Firefly. No, I won't get over it. *flips fox the bird* And that's what I think about you call "news" too. Jerks. They would cancel a show that depicts the government as corrupt, and focuses on the antihero.
  • I use lotion every day, take multivitamins, use sunscreen every time I got out into the sun, make sure I'm not loosing TOO fast, and do strength training and Cardio, as well as Yoga, and the end result: 54 lbs so far, and no loose skin. I have had two kids, but I used lotion every day of my pregnancy too, and after. I have…
  • Most of them don't keep the weight off. Keeping the weight off is a life time commitment to the lifestyle you lived while losing the weight, with SOME modification, a FEW more calories, a FEW minutes less at the gym. It is completely unrealistic for a person to live the Biggest Loser "life style" for the rest of their…
  • take the focus off the weight, thank him for the other awesome stuff he does, as a way of pointing it out without making it TOO direct.
  • Yes, there is a HUGE problem. You're the reason for the shortage! I can't get a good bottle half the time to save my life!. Oh.. Wait.. That's not from you.. That's from moving from California to PA.. I miss my cali locals...
  • I love this game. Joslin, 24
  • Please don't mistake "buff" arms for defined arms. There's a HUGE difference between muscle definition and muscle bulk.
  • Because SOMEONE has to be the fall guy. In the 80's it was fat, not it's carbs. It'll be Protein in another 20 years, with science to support that and everything!
  • I like wheat, I eat wheat, I enjoy my wheat products, they don't make me sick, and I'm loosing weight while eating them. There ARE people that have something called Celiac disease. It makes their bodies respond very badly to gluten, which is found in wheat. There are other presentations of a wheat sensitivity. If you like…
  • I plan on focusing on WEEKLY calories. I'll cut short a bit the rest of the week, to leave some room. Normally I'm a day to day person. I also plan on holding my thanksgiving dinner on Wednesday, instead of Thursday, specifically because my gym is open on Wednesday, and NOT Thursday, and I will be squeezing in a workout.…
  • Trolls have to live somewhere. Under the Bridge was getting full, so they moved onto the Internet.
  • I will eat whatever the heck I darned well please. The holidays are two eating days and one drinking day. I'll just work out harder and earn the right to stuff my face.
  • I LOVE leg day. I live on the third floor of my apartment building, no elevator, and I STILL love leg day!
    in Leg Day Comment by Jkmumma November 2012
  • Well there goes my zombie survival plans...
  • When I loose. It reflects the lowest point of weight fluctuations. And it's consistent.
  • I LOVE cereal. Count Chocula is my favorite. Captain Crunch is pretty high on the list. Then Frosted Mini Wheats, and honey bunches of oats. There is a huge difference between a serving of cereal and a huge bowl of cereal though. That's about the only change in cereal eating habits. I eat healthy amounts now as opposed to…
  • I lost a lot, fast at first, then it slowed down dramatically after the first 3-4 months.
  • I count caffeinated stuff as half a water, anything with artificial sweetener as not a water. Uncaffeinated, naturally or sugar sweetened counts as a water.
  • Do you have a creep factor? Girls don't like creepy guys. On a more serious note, girls, alone, in not the safest of locations (walking down the street at night, alone in a long hall ETC) have every right to, with statistics being what they are, look to any guy with a healthy dose of suspicion.