

  • Joined the new york state parks winter run series.. a 5 k every sunday for the month of jan. first 5 k was yesterday will post results once they are up... ran 5 miles at the gym this morning.. hoping for a good week so i can have a better time for next sunday ... happy running everyone!
  • If you are going to new york city it should be easy.. they have to post their calorie contents .. hope this helps p.s. have fun! "NEW YORK (CNN) -- The New York City Board of Health voted unanimously Tuesday to require all city chain restaurants to post calorie data on their menus. The order requiring New York chain…
  • Good Luck to everyone with their marathon goals! This is my first post, I've been on and off training for the long island marathon in May and my long run last weekend was 10 miles.. phew.. just found this topic and as this is my first marathon I am would love any support and/or tips. Good luck everyone!
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