

  • Hello! Where did you get your band fitted? How are you finding it? It is great having someone here to has the same experience!
  • EXERCISE AND EAT LESS FOOD. You do not need shots, pills, creams and gimmicks. Just move your *kitten* around, do not eat a lot of junk food, and for the love of God, be patient.
    in HCG ??? Comment by humbino March 2012
  • Hi Heidi! I had my band done in November last year in Belgium. So far, no regrets, and I've lost 14 kg already! I love food, my boyfriend is a chef and the kilos were just coming, so I needed help : so the band works perfectly for me. One question : sometimes I feel that the band is super-tight, I can hardly drink water,…
  • Interesting question... I burn 1000 kcal in 60 minutes on the cross-trainer, and honestly, I do not feel like eating anything after a good-workout. When I start to be hungry, I eat a protein bar, or some meat, salads afterwards. And - the horror! - even some chocolate. Listen to your body. I know it is a cliché, but we are…
  • Hi, I had my gastric band fitted in November 2011. I lost 13 kg since then! No regrets, although the surgery was not pleasant... My weight stopped at 87 kg, I had 3 fillings, so I am on 6 cc now. I am going to the gym 4X / week, 60 mins cardio (cross trainer). I try to stay around 1200 kcal a day according to FitnessPal.…