japhilli3 Member


  • In addition to the wrong shoes, running on an incline a lot can also hurt your knees as well. Maybe try switching it up...run on a flat surfact sometimes too and remember to get some strength training/cross training in as well. If your quads aren't strong enough, your alignment may slip, which may put extra strain on your…
  • I have a Polar FT60. I love it. It has a chest strap and is easy to use. Best thing -- unlike some of the other polar watches, you can change the battery yourself vs. having to mail it in when it dies...
  • Someone else already mentioned this, but I totally agree that you should go to a running store. They watch you walk and run (LOL...yes, you feel like a rodent in a cage being studied!) but they find the perfecct shoe for you. There are so many different kind of feet and ways to walk and there are shoes to match everyone! I…
  • I sarted running a little over a year ago. When I started, I couldn't run for very long before getting out of breath or tired, but then I was told to slow it down a LOT and concentrate on duration. I started running VERY slow (like 4 mph) and was very surprised that I could get through 30 minutes or more this way. I also…
  • I mix in some incline workouts; a great way to burn fat! It is also better to mix it up because just running all the time may hurt your knees. My treadmill has some programs built in...the incline gradually increases to like 12-15% and then goes back down. If I do that for 40 minutes, it burns about 400-500 calories.
  • This is a good place to start. I have found that if you log everything you eat EVERY DAY, it really helps you feel accountable to yourself. But you have to do it EVEYR DAY; otherwise you won't notice progress or patterns. Of course you will have "bad days", everyone does, but log what you eat anyway! You may also want to…