ShannonG0306 Member


  • I have been on welbutrin 300 xl for 3 months now and have gained almost 10 pounds taking it. Which is depress I no me more after losing 122 lbs this last year.
  • Well studies can be and are sometimes are incorrect. I am sorry but if anything I eat the same as I was when I lost all my weight. Only difference is I have recently added mote fruits and veggies. But every day the scale moves up .5-1 full pound. The only change has been going on welbutrin.
  • I have been taking welbutrin now for 3 months and i have been gaining weight daily. I don't eat any differently but do notice i am hungrier. I just lost 122 lbs last year and now it's all coming back because of the welbutrin. I hate it. And frankly it's causing more depression.