

  • I weighed daily until I established a baseline for calorie intake/exercise (took about a month) thenI started weighing myself 1 time every two weeks. If I did it daily I'd get too discouraged and think about it too much.
  • I'm Holly from Boise, Idaho and I'm about ready to hit the big 4(oh) and want to be the weight I was when I hit the not so big 30. I'm a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Specialist so I work with high stressed individuals which can affect my eating at times. So a group will be great for support. Current weight: 166 Goal weight:…
  • I am referring specifically to Bikram yoga and heat doesn't bother me but for 90 minutes . . . not sure.
  • Dubstep, all the way - couldn't agree more.
  • The sodium supplement is a great idea to retain hydration. Thanks.
  • The Island - Pt. II (Dusk), by Pendulum
  • I juice regularly and my motivation for juicing was because I hate eating raw vegetables but I'll drink them with some ginger. I do add raw vegan protein powder to get my protein count up. As a general rule I drink one 12oz glass everyday with different combinations of vegetables. I keep my fruit juice to a minimum and try…