

  • Welcome.. and yes of course..please feel free to add me too! I started MFP the same way and I have the most wonderful support friends ever! Good luck with your goal!:smile:
  • I'm also having the same issue. I've had the Iphone for a couple years and now that its time to upgrade, I didn't really care for the 5. But when I saw the Galaxy.. I was in love! The app are to die for! Much better than the Iphone. And they have the Droid market... similar to the App store.. but it's more user friendly...…
  • Good luck! And feel free to add!
  • Me too! So many of us need this type of stay on the right path to see us to our goals. And having extra friends along for the extra push always helps! :smile:
  • Me too!! I actually just posted a similar post b/c I'm looking to stay motivated with others on this journey! It's hard but I'm more focused and I also think doing it with others will make it fun. I'll send youa friend request now! :)