One PRO-TIP is to blend your veg. I don't mean.. all of it, but you can make a tomato based sauce (chopped tomatoes + herbs) and add in some veggies and blend them into a sauce to have with your chicken or turkey or whatever it is you are eating, it works really well if you have problems with textures and such.
That isn't remotely true, you won't lose weight underneath that as a general rule. It is important that the diet fits the person completely. Ideally, you wouldn't want to eat back your full calorie burn amount. ATM My intake is at 1700 a day, which I usually hit around 1600 of and burn about 600-700 per day, for me that…
I'm a strong independent black woman and I don't need no man.
I used to love bread with just mayo. It's so whitetrash.
If you live in the UK, Subway as a novelty alternative to making your own sandwiches, is not expensive at all. You can currently pick up a 6 inch Sub, with some form of drink, for £1.99 on some days. I don't go often, mainly because I don't eat much bread anymore, but it is by no means unhealthy OR expensive so long as you…
Poor 'literature' written by a poor Author for people who lack the brain cells to pick up an actual book of worth.
I have heard some decent things about the books, I may pick them up too as I seriously enjoy reading. The ending was a bit meh, I must agree, but I think it was done intentionally as I expected The Witcher 3 to be a huge game. That being said, some of the DLC for TW2 was great!
Amnesia: TDD is one of the best games I have ever played. Play it with your headphones on, lights off, on your own. It's great
You should definitely get GW2. It is incredible.
It's good to see a lot of Witcher gamers here now, the lore in that game is next to none.
I assume you're a US player. Means we can't play, shame!
That's cool dude, give me an add if you want, always good to have more people to talk to there!
Well, an MMO based on the lore of The Elder Scrolls is actually in development right now, so your wish will be coming true very soon. Maybe not to xbox.. but certainly to PC.
I have just bowed out of Diablo 3 after it's population died due to WoW:MOP and GW2 releases, but I still have a 120kDPS Barb there for farming runs when I wanna play. I made a good chunk of real-life money from D3 so my heart is still with it, but it just need an injection of cash, that's all :(
Wow I didn't see that this received so many replies! Whoops. It's good to see that a lot of you game, shame not many of you play guild wars 2, as I'd be game to add a bunch of you on there!
I'm a 25 year old single woman and I don't need no man
Jesus christ.
Does not surprise me dude!
I was joking, it's ok, you are hot. As it is known in the industry, a milf.
I have my right forearm (inner) done, It's a persian styled female angel. It was done by Amanda Ruby in the UK who just won artist of the year over here. The story is, everyone has a good and bad side.. I intend to get my left inner forearm done, by a different artist. I;ll be getting a demon, there. Both are/will be black…
Ok miss ego ;) Jesus
How so?
Why, do they not?
This question gets asked on all the posts. and I guess, I don't know? Personally I just like women older than me, because they tend to be less shallow and more fun.. but, I guess what, 28+? That's not to say 28+ is old.. but I guess it's past the 'going out getting drunk shouting wooooo' age?
Now, it is quite a huge number.. but you have to remember the population of America. Also, Breast Augmentation can relate to a lot of things, it's shaping of the breast, I believe it can include reduction and a lot of 'maintenance' work too. Personally I don't understand it, but if people want it. I guess they should and…
I mean, let's not be shallow about this. Sure, you're attractive.. but have you got the personality for marriage? That's the question
I can't say I've really looked. Just figured i'd make the post as hell, if the women get it, guys should too.. equality and all that.
It's only fair right? :D
JFAC \m/