There's actually a facebook group if you want to message me for it
I messaged you some good information about it also I have lost 40 lbs myself if you have any questions please feel free to message me
You guys are off to a good start!
Check your invite box!
There is still time don't think you can't start NOW
Sent you an invite
Sending out invites starts today
An hour a day with some planned days off is good 24 hours doesn't have to be your ultimate goal you can go for 20 or even 100. Usually the smartest approach would be to do a longer workout one day when you can to make up for lost time!
Sending out invites now
invite sent
Sending invites now!
I am back to accept more invites!
Alright everyone accept your invites and tell your friends about it
Okay invites sent!
Last invites are about to go out until I get on later!
Alrighty invite sent
I sent you all invites!
Anyone else up for the challenge it's almost time!
I will send invites in the morning!
Sending you an invite!
I sent all of you guys invites
Juice Plus smoothies are really good and freezing bananas!
I will send you guys all invites
Anymore takers
I sent all of you guys invites
Thank you good luck too and hopefully we get a lot of people in I usually can get about 100 invite your friends!
I sent all of you guys invitations!
I will send you guys all invites