jen1jen1jen1 Member


  • Hmmm, that is an idea. I've been thinking that I might just allow myself off one evening a week (HELLO DOMINOS) because then I wont feel like I am punishing myself. I mean, it isn't like I don't treat myself - I do, regularly. But sometimes a splurge feels just necessary! I *could* move my goal up by 7lbs, I may move it up…
  • That is a great idea - I am going to try that. There is basically no justification for me not fitting in a 30 min cycle of an evening, but perhaps allowing myself to cut it down to five - only once I have started - is a good way to get going. Thanks for the tip :)
  • Ah, right you are... the moment I get myself back on my bike I am all raging to keep going. It is just that starting point of actually *getting* on the bike that I really struggle with.
  • I don't know if I believe it (probably because I love eating in the evening) but I heard no caffeine for 4 hours before bed and no food for 3. I couldn't hack it!