

  • I've been going 6 weeks now (not massively overweight but would like to loose about 20-28 pounds). Lost 13lb in the first three weeks which was a real boost and then nothing (treated myself to a few lapses at weekends) but generally been really good and been to the gym 3-4 times every week. Was beginning to feel a bit…
  • gosh you have done amazingly well and are almost there. I am not hugely over weight maybe 14-20lbs heavier than Id like to be and have lost 13lbs in four weeks, but have now had a couple of really bad days, mothers day chocolates, wine and strawberry trifle, along with bacon and egg sandwiches in bed this morning. I feel…
  • 30lb in 10 weeks is huge not just good amazing!! That means you have had approx 70 amazing fantastic days. Don't beat yourself up over one bad one, pick yourself up and promise yourself that tomorrow will be the 71st amazing day you have had. Well done x
  • I'm new too and haven't any friends (gosh that made me sound like a saddo lol!). Have lost 6lb in last two weeks and joined the gym this week, focussing on trying to loose 1and a half stone in time for taking kids to Florida in summer.